Monday 30 August 2010

This is to thank 谢科朗吉洛, in the past two years, his greatest achievements is to leave K Coach Mike Krzyzewski. Krzyzewski is the true soul of Team USA, is his current team structure of the system. Be noted that this is the third consecutive Krzyzewski led the U.S. team World Series, in Sapporo, Japan, after four years of losses, and 2 years ago after the success of the Beijing Olympics, Krzyzewski for How to succeed in the international arena already has its own set of ideas and systems.

This is to thank 谢科朗吉洛, in the past two years, his greatest achievements is to leave K Coach Mike Krzyzewski. Krzyzewski is the true soul of Team USA, is his current team structure of the system. Be noted that this is the third consecutive Krzyzewski led the U.S. team World Series, in Sapporo, Japan, after four years of losses, and 2 years ago after the success of the Beijing Olympics, Krzyzewski for How to succeed in the international arena already has its own set of ideas and systems.

Comparison of two years ago, eight teams that support dream, we can see that, in addition to the different specific personnel, the team's overall structure, but it is still the same. Media questioned Krzyzewski only three post players to bring in fact two years ago in Beijing, he also just call to Howard, Boozer and Bosh three. Although Chandler, Lamar Odom and Lufkin in the reputation and strength and the apparent gap between Howard and others, but the inside attack as never Krzyzewski core tactical system, it occupies the center position of the so called de White - Howard Chandler really is nothing called a.

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