Friday 14 January 2011

Among them

The eastern region imports USD 1,135,600,000,000 and together compares to increase 39.5%, last year same period in order to descend 16.2%, increased soon than decelerated 0.4 percentage points for 1-10 months;The central region imports USD 67,600,000,000 and together compares to increase 50.3%, last year same period in order to descend 12.2%, increased to soon compare for 1-10 months speed 1.2 percentage points;The western region imports USD 50,300,000,000 and together compares to increase 44.1%, last year same period in order to descend 10.5%, increased to soon hold with 1-10 months even.
30 import in province together compare a growth, among them, Tibet, Gansu and Anhui increases respectively 1.400%, 93.8% and 76.3%.Compared with the last year same period, 4 provinces increase to soon speed, among them, Shanxi and Hainan speeds respectively 40.7 with 35.5 percentage points;25 in province from descend to turn into a growth, among them Gansu and Anhui difference from descend 40.3% and 27.1% to turn into to increase 93.8% and 76.3%;Shaanxi increases to soon decelerate 18.3 percentage points.Compared with 1-10 months, 15 provinces increase to soon speed, among them, Xinjiang and Hainan speeds respectively 11 with 9 percentage points;15 provinces increase soon decelerate, among them, Gansu and Heilongjiang decelerates respectively 15.7 with 4 percentage points.

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