Tuesday 11 January 2011

Mostly local staff is relatives

This reports a reporter Xing a life time Wei
(Responsibility editor:kaimengli)
[Brief summary] the force Gang City in Hunan don,t invite several staff member is affairses to carry on a serious processing as usual to the local health system.In the near future, the health system excused from examination to recruit into a group of staff members, these people is majority don,t have to adjust into the qualifications of business unit, mostly local staff is relatives;After reporting after medium discover, had 18 people "above someone" from the outside system adjusted into 20 officers and workerses …[I to say 2]
The son of the health system Pu job advertisement scandal bureau chief of Wu Gang has never graduated and then been some business unit of public official to recruit "officer is 2"
"The Wu Gang health system doesn,t invite as usual" tracks

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