Tuesday 11 January 2011

Two is a city Wei and city hall the related leadership lead long a head

The martial Wei in the Gang City and city hall exclusively convened often on the 28th a Wei meeting and aimed at health system personnel transfer and the existent problem in personnel is job advertisement"double to choose", make three decision.One is the vice- bureau chief whom the bureau public health bureau chief, secretary, cent of party Wei takes care of government work to suspend from duties to accept a survey.Two is a city Wei and city hall the related leadership lead long a head, Ji checks to inspect, organize, draw up, the personnel etc. section to constitute to unite a survey set and carries on Che to check to the existent problem.Such as the thorough check violate the rules behavior, pursue the related personnel is responsibility.Three is temporarily freeze health system of enter artificial to make, the serious personnel draws up discipline, and take this as the personal management system of chance further norm whole citieses.

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